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Social Work Month 2025: Thanking our Social Work Interns

National Social Workers Month Banner

March is Social Work Month, and we want to celebrate the current and future social workers who support our students. Social workers play a critical role in the child welfare system and are often an important part of our scholars’ lives.  

In 2010, Pivotal created an internship program to help new social workers-in-training learn about the nuances of working with foster youth. We train undergraduate and graduate students in social work programs to be Pivotal coaches, working with universities like San José State, California State East Bay, San Francisco State, and UC...

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Welcoming our Newest Board Members

Earlier this year, we were thrilled to welcome two new members to Pivotal’s Board of Directors: Deborah Perry Piscone and Tamesa Rogers

Deborah Perry Piscione is the co-founder and CEO of the Work3 Institute, an advisory firm that helps enterprises evolve into an AI, web3 + work3 future of business.

“I joined Pivotal's board because I believe every young person deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams, regardless of their circumstances,” says Deborah. “What...

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2025 Dream Makers Circle_Banner-2

Thank you Dream Makers!

Last month, we came together to celebrate members of the Pivotal Dream Makers Circle and corporate partners. The Dream Makers Circle is a special group of supporters who contribute $3,000 or more annually to Pivotal. These generous individuals ensure that we can serve every foster youth who walks through our doors and help make their dreams a reality.

Our scholar speaker, Dunhoja demonstrated how important this help can be:

Dunhoja DMC2025 Popout Quote

You can watch all of Dunhoja’s powerful speech below. 

YouTube - Dunhoja DM2025 Speech


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The Road Less Traveled

Ever wonder why at Pivotal, we refer to our coaching support after high school as our post-secondary program rather than our university? It’s because there are many paths to success and self-sufficiency, and they don’t always involve a traditional 4-year university degree. Many students choose an associate’s degree from a community college, or pursue a trade or vocational program after high school. 

Since the pandemic, there has been a huge increase in demand for...

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FY24 - Annual Report Cover Page Banner

Happy 2025 from Pivotal!

Happy New Year from all of us at Pivotal! Last year, we celebrated 35 years of helping young people from foster care build the lives they want for themselves. 

In the 2023-24 school year, we served 532 young people from foster care, providing support in high school and college through individualized coaching, trauma-informed support, resources, and scholarships. We also began serving students in middle school, knowing that the earlier we can start to work with...

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From Setbacks to Success: How Pivotal Helped Michelle Find Her Path

When sharing stories about our scholars and their experiences, we often tell you about young people who have been through the system and have found success through their hard work and with Pivotal’s support. It’s important to remember that their journey to that success is often filled with struggles and uncertainty for many of our scholars and it can be difficult for students to open up about the difficulties they may be experiencing in the moment. 

When post-secondary...

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Instilling Hope: Full Circle from Scholar to Coach

A big part of a Pivotal coach's role is to understand the challenges their scholars face as they move through their educational journey. Often, before a student can focus on academics, they have to overcome significant obstacles such as housing, mental health issues, or financial concerns. In addition, nearly every young person from foster care is managing trauma at some level, which can impact their lives in many ways. Students sometimes have trouble focusing and withdraw from social or...

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tFYPC Press release banner


The Foster Youth Pre-College Collective Releases “Destination Graduation” Report; Underscores Foster Youth Challenges and Promising Practices That Successfully Impact Academic Progression

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (June 4, 2024) - Deeper investment in highly relational one-on-one services will close the persistent gap between the high school completion rates of youth in the foster care system and other K-12 students, according to a new report, Destination Graduation: Investing in the...

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NFCM Thank You

Thank you for supporting us this National Foster Care Month!

National Foster Care month is over and what a month it was! Here at Pivotal, we packed a whole lot into a short time.  

NFCM Blog Titles Pivotal Perspectives

The incredible Delrisha White hosted three live podcast events where Pivotal alumni, scholars, and staff shared their experiences. Here are just a few quotes: 

I not only had someone that could be there for me academically, but I also had someone that was close to my age and was able to understand me, help me make decisions, personal or academic, because I...

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Vanessa Payne Newsletter Main Banner

Celebrating 35 Years of Impact: Vanessa's Journey

Vanessa Payne was in our very first cohort of 11 scholarship recipients, more than 20 years ago. Like so many Pivotal scholars, her path was not always clear. While she was in foster care, she had close to 17 different placements and the constant upheaval meant she struggled to complete high school. When she finally got her GED, she applied for and received a Pivotal scholarship. Although she had hoped to go to college, she wasn’t in a place where she could focus on academics and ended...

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National Social Workers Month Banner

Catalysts for Change - Thanking our Social Work Interns

March is Social Work Month, and we want to celebrate the current and future social workers who support our students. Social workers play a critical role in the child welfare system and are often an important part of our scholars’ lives.  

In 2010, Pivotal created an internship program to help new social workers-in-training learn about the nuances of working with foster youth. We train undergraduate and graduate students in social work programs to be Pivotal coaches, working...

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